Wouldn’t it be good if we didn’t have to talk about this? Our mission is to make diversity in our industry the norm, not the exception. We’re here for good.

Diversity & Inclusion

Our approach

We bridge the gap between brands and diverse talent, creating fresh opportunities for collaboration and work that truly reflects the world. If you’re a brand on your own diversity journey, we can support you. It might be uncomfortable at points, but that’s what change feels like sometimes.

Our network

Our global network of production is proudly open to all. If Untold Fable feels like your home – join us. When you do, you’ll find we ask more questions than you might be used to; this information will help us achieve our mission. We’ll treat your data with the utmost sensitivity. You can read our policies. You’re under no obligation to share more than basic information about yourself, and you won’t be at any disadvantage if you choose not to.

Our technology

We recognise industry biases mean not all talent have had the same opportunities to build out their experience. That’s why our technology platform is designed to give clients more information about talent before they commission. If talent has chosen to share their diversity information with us, it can be privately displayed with their portfolios when we share them with clients for specific projects.

Our business

We foster an empowered culture by creating an environment where different people and perspectives can thrive at every stage of their careers. Partnering with intentionally inclusive organisations ensures we have an eyes-wide-open approach to recruitment of under-represented and marginalised voices.

All production talent are welcome to join our global network. If you’re a brand and like the idea of working differently and purposefully, we’d love to hear from you.